Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Christine and Chris, Engagement

Sunday we had a great time hanging out with Christine and Chris. We had fun showing them some of our favorite spots in the MainStrasse area of Covington. What a great couple. They didn't argue about hugging and interacting but I think that had to do with the chilly weather too! I love how their photos turned out because you can see their beautiful passion and their fun side. It was great that they didn't look at me too funny when I asked them to pose by and old bus or the broken sign holder! Christine and Chris we are looking forward to photographing your wedding in Indy in April!


MichelleL said...

Wow! These are amazing. Not sure what would be appropriate for an engagement announcement in the local paper, but these are beautiful. I'm Chris's mom and not sure if I've ever seen him kiss thism much! :-)

Brenda Pottinger said...

Thank you for the compliments. The photos above are just a few of my favorites. The couple will have an entire gallery of photos to choose an engagement announcement photo from. There are many that will include them both looking at the camera that will show their faces that will work great for the paper. :) Thanks Brenda and Ben